Self-Study On Demand Virtual Courses

The suite of self-study on demand courses gives you the opportunity to study at your own pace, in line with your own schedule and needs. All content is delivered at the same time, after your purchase. There are no live components to these courses.

All Sales are Final.

How To Create An Input Fast 60 Minutes

What is an Input Fast?

What are the benefits?

How do I create my own?

Why does this matter?

Identifying & Healing Limiting Beliefs 60 Minutes

What is a limiting belief?

How do I find them in my own life?

How do I shift them?

Why does this matter?

Crate A Journaling 90 Minutes

Have you ever wondered what the fuss is all about when it comes to journaling?

Have you ever wanted to start a journaling practice of your own?

Replenish & Dream: Restorative Yoga Series

This four week restorative yoga series is designed to relax, replenish, and restore your whole human being system. Allow this series to inspire you to create a more regular restorative yoga practice to support your life.

Chakra Writing & Meditation

Designed as a seven week series that includes meditation, mudra, writing prompts, and stream of consciousness writing. Walk away with a detailed personal map of your own chakra system in your own words. This is an audio course.

Create A Meditation 40 Minutes

This is an audio workshop with a companion workbook. The workshop guides you through creating your own consistent meditation practice.

Transcript is provided.

“The journey is not just about finding yourself, but creating yourself.”

– George Bernard Shaw