A Note On Social Media

February 1, 2023

You might be wondering where my social media links on this website are. Or why you can’t find me much on social media. There’s a reason for that. I have mostly left social media.


I’m glad you asked.

I love technology and I pretty much always give new things a chance. The same is true with all of the new technology that has come out in my lifetime, including social media. I was an early adopter of Instagram as a photography lover and hobbyist. I loved being able to connect to my travel friends around the world and share the exciting places we had visited and learn about new ones. I loved sharing photography of all of the exquisite natural beauty I have witnessed. It was a fun time in the days of online sharing for the most part. However, somewhere along the way my interest waned and I found myself distracted by it and the advertising that had made its way onto that platform and others. While it was great for buying things and distracting me, I no longer felt the organic exploration and connectivity I once did.

As a result, I spent less and less time there. I found it worked better for me, my life, and the direction I found myself moving in, towards a more conscious relationship with my technology and it’s use as a tool. This eventually led to Deactivating Facebook, which you can read about in more detail HERE.

While I still occasionally use Instagram, I have decided to move away from social media use for business as much as I can. It is what suits me and my life. This website and its offerings are focused on the inner journey, your personal inner journey of connection and self-support. As such, it is important to me that the focus remains on that and you, not on what I share on social media. This is a conscious decision and it is what works for me right now. While I always keep an open mind, and am open to changing my mind as things evolve, this is what is self-supportive to my own inner journey right now.

With all that said, I’d still love to connect! Here are the ways we can do that consciously.

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@ihavethewanders - Travel related

@meditationmoments - Meditation related

@sawrahamini - This website related