Simplicity Note

February 1, 2023

Humans are both simple and complex. We are particularly adept at making things more complex than necessary and making meaning out of things that might not need it. As I have walked through personal transformation and transformative times, shed layers of myself, made life edits, experimented, traveled across the world solo, and tried more movement practices than I can count, I have come to realize that simplicity is a supportive practice for me personally. It’s not always possible, but it is a daily practice for me nonetheless. What does this mean exactly and why am I writing this note? A few reasons.

I apply this practice to this website as much as possible, including my “sales pages.” Every time I see a big, long, bulky, hyped up with graphics sales page, I shudder. I get distracted. I also only read about a quarter of it. My guess is I’m not the only one. So even though there are marketing and psychological marketing reasons that pages are created that way, I have decided not to do that. I like my information delivered in a clear and direct way. So with each course, class, and offering, I am endeavoring to share it with you that same way. It is a conscious decision for my time and energy and yours. It may not be popular. It may not be highly produced. It may not be what you are used to, but it is right for me.

I love a beautiful image and graphic as much as the next person, so they do exist on the site, but not to the detriment of sharing information.

The simplicity principles guiding me also extend to the technology I use for all of my offerings. It is always my goal to have it be as easy as possible for you to have your learning experience. Because of that, I always welcome feedback about your experience. If you didn’t receive a feedback form in your class/course/workshop/offering, you can provide feedback HERE.

Simplicity is an ever changing practice. It’s also noticing when something is no longer working and simplifying it a layer deeper. Not unlike our explorations of our inner selves. Each layer reveals something to us and so does simplicity. It is also a practice of removing distractions. We are so much more distracted than we realize. This applies to above, as well as my practices around social media. You can read more about that HERE.

It is my intention to join people who embrace these conscious practices (or want to), with their inner journey and self-support. What I practice for myself might not be right for you and that is ok. I help create held space and community for you to explore what is right for you through the weaving of multiple modalities of healing and exploration. Cultivating compassion is a core component and for me simplicity is a compassion practice.